Ip Assignment Problem

Andrew Evrovski (andy@atcon.com)
Wed, 8 Nov 1995 12:12:55 -0400


We have 13 portmasters that are operational, but lately one of those
portmasters seems to be assigning as an address for users. Not all
the time nor every user, but it has happened on every port according to the
logs. Even old users that were configured correctly and have been loggin on
no prob in the past (on other portmasters and the one in question) are now
encountering this bogus ip assignment. I have checked the configuration of
this portmaster against the others a few times and there doesn't seem to be
any difference, yet it I see entries like:

02-Nov-00:05/auth.log:Nov 2 18:47:49 hfxpm2 dialnet: port S10 flynn
succeeded dest

and these logins don't allow the users anywhere (of course) and the
portmaster kicks them off after a few minutes. Does anyone have any ideas
as to why this is happening? The log also shows that there are successful
logins on this portmaster which makes me really confused. This portmaster
has been up and running for about 8 months now without any problems or
changes in configuration.

Any help is appreciated.

**** Andrew Evrovski **** Caught speeding
**** Network Operations **** \|/ \|/ on the
**** Atlantic Connect **** ____ o___o Info Highway....
**** 3845 Dutch Village Road **** _/___@\_ _/_____\_ (again)
**** Halifax, Nova Scotia **** _|O______O|___|OO_____OO|__
**** B3L 4H9 ****
**** Canada ****
**** E-mail: andy@atcon.com ****