Re: *** Dedicated Link - 24 Hours ***

David Carmean (
Tue, 7 Nov 1995 17:51:30 -0800 (PST)

On Tue, 7 Nov 1995, Deeb Farris wrote:

> I want to run a dedicated link off of a PM2E
> 24hours a day - without any disconnects. Well,
> I guess a couple here and there, but I have been
> unsuccessful for quite some time in doing this.
> Does anyone have any advice to offer on settings
> with the portmaster, settings on the US Robotics
> v.34 28.8k modem server and the 28.8 v.34 USR
> modem on the other end, i.e. init strings - etc..
> Can it be done? Is this a reasonable request.

In my area, I get kicked off *every* weeknight between 2345 and
0015 hrs. Damn telco testing lines. I don't know exactly what they're
doing, and if there's any way to make the modem recover. And I get
dropped occasionally otherwise for unknown reasons. I think you need to
plan some redial mechanism if you absolutely need it up all the time.

If you have a static IP address/subnet, you could program a
location in the portmaster. If you set it to "continuous" it will
redial if the connection drops. Or you can have it dial on demand.

If the remote site doesn't run a PPP server, then you'll have to make
the remote site dial on demand or redial on dropped carrier. I think
you can do this with Trumpet Winsock.

David Carmean WB6YZM DC574
System/Network Administrator, WestNet Communications, Inc.
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