Re: PPP & Shell with the same account

Colin P. Ryan (
Tue, 7 Nov 1995 20:02:48 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 8 Nov 1995, John W. Temples wrote:

> > > On Tue, 7 Nov 1995, Michael L Judson wrote:
> > and "UNIX" as the password. However, what I did *not* do was set
> > security on for the ports.

To address the original....there is a patch out there somewhere ( I _may_
be able to dig it up or it may now be standard) that uses multiple
entries in the users file, rather than the , passwd file to detect the
presence of the P for PPP , S for SLIP etc etc from one passwd entry.

There may be something better out now, ie only one users entry ????

> Which means you're not even using RADIUS, so the users file is never
> being consulted.

I may be wrong but I have the users files specified using the "UNIX" entry
and without this no dial up occurs.

> --
> John W. Temples, III || Providing the first public access Internet
> Gulfnet Kuwait || site in the Arabian Gulf region

| Colin P. Ryan \!/ Cyber- |
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