Re: PPP & Shell with the same account

William Bulley (
Tue, 7 Nov 1995 14:38:33 -0500 (EST)

According to
> Does anyone know what Livingston's position is with regards to the Merit
> RADIUS software? I'm not looking for them to patch/support it, I just
> don't want to get into a situation if I have a problem that Livingston
> and Merit wind up pointing fingers at each other. When you are down it
> is nice if your environment is one that the vendor can support.

Speaking only for myself (not Merit and of course not Livingston!) I view
our relationship as being very close and I wish I could make it closer!

We are co-authors of the RADIUS DRAFT, were instrumental in getting
RADIUS going in the "early days" and I personally know many of the
guys at Livingston (hi Carl, hi Andy). I truly want them to succeed
and our (Merit) RADIUS efforts are in NO way aimed at obstructing that
success. This is NOT a competition. I have done my very best to have
the 2.x release of Merit RADIUS match the latest DRAFT RADIUS RFC, only
diverging from that where it would hurt us in production mode because
the ComOS has not caught up to the DRAFT (perhaps?) or in a few other
areas. We have entended RADIUS to include features we felt would be
of use to folks and to us, too! We are, after all, an ISP, too. So,
what we find useful might also be useful to others. The 2.x version
of RADIUS from Merit has all the Livingston 1.16 features (and more)
and if I diverged from that it is because we did the same thing in a
different (and perhaps better?) way. This is not to say that the
Livingston version is not any good or not useful. We found we needed
some features which were not in their version. So, we added them...



William Bulley, N8NXN              Senior Systems Research Programmer
Merit Network Inc.                 Domain:
4251 Plymouth Road                 MaBell: (313) 764-9993
Ann Arbor, Michigan  48105-2785    Fax:    (313) 747-3185