Re: RADIUS authentication on dialout (fwd)

Frank Heinzius (
Tue, 7 Nov 1995 09:55:32 +0000

On 6 Nov 95 at 12:14, Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz wrote:

> Once upon a time Frank Heinzius shaped the electrons to say...
> >Why not? Using outbound security as described in appendix D (old
> >manual), you may use RADIUS for authentication ;-)
> *shh* That's a kludge.


> Well, not really, but it isn't as open as what I've seen most ask for. It
> only works for telnet connections in that port range.
> >blacklisting and authentication based on RADIUS. A Windows-based
> >RADIUS server is shipped with it, but *shudder*...
> WinNT, or do you mean 3.11? (If it is the latter I'm going to calmly go
> drink some Drano.)

I'd prefer a Pangalactic Gargleblast...really, it's under Win 3.1x,
and yes, it uses the directory structure \etc\raddb..., and yes, me a
Molokko Plus, too.

***** The expressed opinions are totally mine! *****
Frank M. Heinzius           MMS Communication GmbH           Eiffestrasse 598
Phone: +49 40 211105-0      Fax: +49 40 210 32 210