Pointers on PAP for Trumpet/Portmasters/RADIUS?

David Carmean (dave@west.net)
Tue, 7 Nov 1995 00:49:06 -0800 (PST)

Can anyone give me some pointers (read: instructions) on how
to set up Trumpet Winsock to use PAP, with Portmasters running RADIUS,
and using the Unix password file? Gotta get it figured out before I
get my first two Livingston BRI cards :o)


David Carmean WB6YZM DC574 dave@west.net
System/Network Administrator, WestNet Communications, Inc.
PGP Key Fingerprint: CD 1C C1 15 3E E3 1D 41 ED C2 3E A8 D6 29 BD C4