Re: Different login promps

Dana Huggard (
Tue, 7 Nov 1995 00:32:02 -0800 (PST)

On Tue, 7 Nov 1995 wrote:

> > I have a client that would like to change from using a pc with a bbs
> > software to a unix box with a portmaster front end. My problem is that he
> > does not want to change the software on the client end (to many users).
> > Now the question, client software expects three prompts, First Name then
> > Last Name and then Password. Is it possible to get the portmaster to issue
> > those prompts instead of username and password. I have this question into
> > the livingstone support, but I'm hopping I'll get an answer here faster.
> Nope, sorry, not gonna happen. BUT, most BBSs can handle FIRSTNAME LASTNAME
> at the same time. They skip the second prompt and ask for the password.
> This seems trivial to the question of: what the HELL is he going to do with
> this BBS to get it to run under UN*X??

He needs a TelnetD for his PeeCee. I have a couple of BBS' hanging off my
network. Both are running on Amiga's. is a public one. I've had
it setup so the PM2e would telnet to it. It's not setup that way now. What made
it possible is that the Amiga BBS answers a telnet connection.

Dana Huggard
TVI Interactive Systems Inc.
Burnaby, BC. Canada