Re: Serial port time out? (fwd)

Frank Heinzius (
Mon, 6 Nov 1995 14:58:18 +0000


On 5 Nov 95 at 21:53, Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz wrote:

> Once upon a time Lin Feng shaped the electrons to say...
> >the connection is automatically dropped after, say, 30 minutes of
> >non-activity? (Can you do similar thing in Sportster 28.8 modem?)
> On the PM, 'set s# idle 30' would set the idle timer to 30 minutes
> for the port named.
> I don't know about the Sportster.

There is an inactivity timer for the Sportster as well as for the
Courier modems. It's normally disabled:

ATS19=xxx, where xxx = seconds to wait for inactivity

If you need idle timeouts in the range of a few seconds, use the
modem inactivity timer. If you need idle timeouts for more then 3
minutes, use the SET S# IDLE on the Portmaster.

Btw., the PortMaster didn't seem to handle the value 1 (for one
minute). I didn't try it with the new COMOS 3.1.4, but to be safe use
a value greater than 1.


***** The expressed opinions are totally mine! *****
Frank M. Heinzius           MMS Communication GmbH           Eiffestrasse 598
Phone: +49 40 211105-0      Fax: +49 40 210 32 210