Re: Radius for NT *sighlet*

Jon Green - User Support (
Mon, 06 Nov 1995 07:37:47 -0600

>On Sat, 4 Nov 1995, John Betts wrote:
>> And to that bloody Livingston Tech support lamer, where the FUCK
>> do you get off talking to customers or not?!?!? I don't care
>> or not wether or not you care for NT, but THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS
>> RIGHT, like it or not, and if you don't FUCK OFF, and climb
>> back into your little whole, and don't ever talk to customers again,
>> especially since they are the ones paying your salary.

I was under the impression this was a mailing list made up of
professionals, for the purpose of sharing information on Portmasters. Not
a list made up of children slinging insults. I think YOU need to climb back
in your 'whole' and re-think how you post to public mailing lists, Mr. Betts.

>I just read all of portmaster-users from the past 2 months...and i am very
>dissapointed to even *HEAR* the attitude that 'megazone' has. This is
>*not* customer service. You are getting an attitude with customers that
>have spent at least $2500 on product that your company sells ? I don't
>like seeing your posting of 'holding yourself back' You had better hold
>yourself back kid, these are your CUSTOMERS, the ones that pay your salary.

And if the customer is wrong, he has an obligation to tell them. "The
customer is always right" may be true in fast food, but it sure as hell isn't
true in the computer industry. If the customer was always right, I
wouldn't have a job, and neither would any other tech support people.

>What is the deal livingston ? Get with the program and fire this
>'megazone' kid. He is bad for the company and is hurting livingston.
>Get someone on this list that will respond to customers LIKE they are
>CUSTOMERS rather than some asshole posting to the list.

Next time you desparately need help from Livingston, you may regret
personally insulting one of their most helpful support people.

* Jon Green * GIT d- s+:+ a-- C++$ ULO++++$ P+ L++ E W+(--) *
* * N++ K w(--) O- M-- V+++$(--) PS PE++ Y+ PGP+ *
* INS User Support * t+ 5 X(+) R- tv+ b+ DI++ D++ G+ e+ h r++ y+ *