Re: Radius For NT.... (fwd)

Dave Andersen (
Sun, 5 Nov 1995 14:57:15 -0700 (MST)

Lo and behold, Michael Dillon once said:

> > According to a recent survey, 70% of non-unix-based webservers were
> > running on Macintoshes.
> 17% Macintosh, 14% MS (NT and Windows compined), 9% Linux, 30% SUN, other
> UNIX variants had various shares of the market. The survey is at a site
> linked off of

I said of non-unix based webservers. 17% of the market is taken by
the Mac, 14 by windows, and about 3 by various 'other' servers. That
adds up to 33% of the market being used by non-unix systems. I apologize
for the math error, then. Only 51% of the non-unix webserver market it

> > I use a Mac at home, and I sense a very pressing
> > need among ISPs to allow our macintoshes to perform administrative
> > functions on the Portmasters.
> >
> > If Livingston wants to be competitive, they NEED to port
> > pmconsole/pminstall to the Macintosh, NOW.
> Why not get a cheap 386 with 4 mega RAM, install Windows 3.1 and use the
> Windows management software. Since our OS of choice is unsupported, that
> is what we do.

You missed my "*sarcasm off*" note immediately following that
paragraph. I was using it to illustrate how stupid _demanding_ that
livingston port their product to an unsupported operating system is...


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        "She totally confused all the passing piranhas"