Re: Radius For NT.... (fwd)

Michael Dillon (
Sun, 5 Nov 1995 15:00:52 -0800 (PST)

On Fri, 3 Nov 1995, Dave Andersen wrote:

> According to a recent survey, 70% of non-unix-based webservers were
> running on Macintoshes.

17% Macintosh, 14% MS (NT and Windows compined), 9% Linux, 30% SUN, other
UNIX variants had various shares of the market. The survey is at a site
linked off of

> I use a Mac at home, and I sense a very pressing
> need among ISPs to allow our macintoshes to perform administrative
> functions on the Portmasters.
> If Livingston wants to be competitive, they NEED to port
> pmconsole/pminstall to the Macintosh, NOW.

Why not get a cheap 386 with 4 mega RAM, install Windows 3.1 and use the
Windows management software. Since our OS of choice is unsupported, that
is what we do.

Michael Dillon Voice: +1-604-546-8022
Memra Software Inc. Fax: +1-604-542-4130 E-mail: