Re: Radius Question

Hugh Messenger (
Sun, 5 Nov 1995 14:15:48 -0600 (CST)

> > Is there a way of making this feature account specific?
> Not quite sure what you mean...

Merit RADIUS refuses to authenticate users who do not have a shell
listed in /etc/shells.

I have several users who I don't want to give shells to, but I do
want to be able to dial in through my PM2's using UNIX-PW.

I don't want to put /bin/false into /etc/shells !!

> But maybe I've missed your point altogether...

My bad. Too many late nights.

I kind of like the "Merit won't authenticate you if you don't have
a 'valid' shell" thing, but I would like to be able to make exceptions
to this rule, and allow certain no-shell users to be authenticated
with UNIX-PW for termserver access thru RADIUS.

To put it another way ... I see the shell thing as a UNIX specific
mechanism for disallowing shell/ftp access. I'm not convinced that
RADIUS should assume that if I don't want someone having shell access
then I don't want them to have dialin PPP/SLIP access.

> web...

-- hugh