RE: REPOST: Re: Radius for NT *sighlet*

William Sommers (
Sun, 5 Nov 95 11:11:57 PST

On Sun, 5 Nov 1995 12:44:25 -0600 (CST) Jonah Barron Yokubaitis wrote:

> Customer Service: (on portmaster users)
> -----------------
> Pro: The list exists and is sponsored by livingston
> Megazone doesn't allow a question here to go unanswered (great job on
> that!)

I don't mean to be argumentative, but, being the retentive fellow that I can
be, I beg to differ on this. Since Brian's joined, I'm batting 0.000 -- of
course, there was only the single query, but it remains unanswered to this
day (and Livingston is the ONLY source for the answer, AFAIK). Witness:

> Date: Sat, 14 Oct 95 19:09:49 PDT
> From: William Sommers <>
> Subject: "net: Bad" Messages?
> To:
> Here's a console message I'd never seen before that just started appearing
> today:
> net: Bad wanted 260, got 208
> net: Bad wanted 260, got 208
> net: Bad wanted 260, got 208
> net: Bad wanted 260, got 208
> net: Bad wanted 260, got 208
> ...
> There were a couple of other series of similar messages (with different
> numbers that I don't recall) earlier in the day. This is on a, let's
> see... PM2eR-30 running ComOS 3.1.2.
> Any clue as to what this is/indicates?
> Thanks!


After (too many) hours of investigation I managed to find the source of, and
fix for, the errors. There were literally several thousand of these over a
two-week span. Perhaps I would've been saved hours of mild aggravation,
worry and running around in circles with nary a clue had I received even a
single sentence answer as to what the messages indicated. By the time my
support telephone call was returned (6 days after it was placed), I had
worked through the issue.

Just a comment, not a criticism meant to inflame. No biggie. No reply
requested or expected.

William Sommers
San Francisco Online
Televolve, Inc.