Re: Radius for NT *sighlet*

David Kovar (kovar@NDA.COM)
Sun, 5 Nov 1995 14:31:00 -0500 (EST)

> Perhaps what the problem here is that you don't understand the
> environment he is responding in. He is NOT speaking for Livingston. He is
> on his OWN time. If he responded that way to mail to support@livingston,
> then yes, I can see how that would be a company problem. But when he is
> doing something on his own, I don't think that should reflect on the
> company.
> Chris

I am not taking a side on this issue, but he was posting from
a Livingston account which will mean, to most people, that he is
speaking for Livingston.

He is also identified in the public's mind as a spokesperson for
Livingston due to the nature of his participation on this list.
