Re: Radius For Nt....

Mike Pierson (
Fri, 3 Nov 95 00:51:09 +0000 (GMT)

>On Thu, 2 Nov 1995, Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz wrote:
>> It is being discussed. There is some demand for it, but since UNIX is the
>> preferred OS, and much more powerful anyway, demand from the UNIX userbase
>> is much, much higher.

I would very much like to see Livingston continue to support as many
Operating Systems as possible, one definitly being Windows NT. I'm not some
great Microsoft Fan, but i have converted our total system to NT, Mail, DNS,
SMTP, HTTP, the works. One final Piece of the puzzle is needed, RADIUS. So
keep going in that direction Livingston, Support them all! And please let me
know Immediatly, I'd be happy to help test it with ya! How about we call it
"Radius 95" , hehehehehe ..that's funny?!

Mike Pierson
Softronics, Inc.