Re: Radius For Nt....

Chris Woods (
Thu, 2 Nov 1995 18:32:34 -0500 (EST)

On Thu, 2 Nov 1995, Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz wrote:

> It is being discussed. There is some demand for it, but since UNIX is the
> preferred OS, and much more powerful anyway, demand from the UNIX userbase
> is much, much higher.

Then those of us who would like to have RADIUS for NT either have to get
together and do it on our own (a possibility) or simply scream louder. I,
too, would like to hear about anyone working on an NT port of RADIUS. NT
is where the real $$$ is at, whether we like it or not. I know I don't,
but in order to stay long-term employable in this business, I'm going to
have to get very comfortable with NT. There is far, far more financial
resources devoted to making NT the "one" enterprise networking OS. It
still has a long way to go, but unless the *nix world can become a little
less fragmented, then NT has a good shot.

All this coming from the keyboard of one of the most anti-Micro$oft
people I know: myself.

$$$ is what counts, unfortunately.

Of course, I _personally_ still prefer to work with *nix OS's, since they
are (with some exceptions) still far better at the networking stuff. For now.

Chris Woods Systems Administrator USAinternet, Inc. 508-774-4700