Modem setup for new US Robotics Sportster Vi
Thu, 2 Nov 1995 18:42:38 -0700

Hello, I need a good working setup string (if there is a different one) for
the new US Robotics Sportster Vi. The one we are using to configure our US
Robotics V.34 modems with our PM2E is "AT&F1S0=1&W\r", which works great.
I'm trying to set up a dedicated line for one of our clients, and it keeps
hanging at the login prompt. I tried also to move it to one of the ports
where a US Robotics V.34 was connected (and working fine), but it still
hung. Does anyone have any suggestions for me!!!! Help!

Thanks a lot.

"Ye are of your father the devil,
and the lusts of your father ye will do."

-St. John 8:44


Dave McPike
Stonehenge Internet