Subnettting & Routing question

Pat McClanahan (
Thu, 2 Nov 1995 13:33:40 -0600 (CST)

Some of the recent routing and subnetting discussion make be applicable
to my question but thought I'd through it out anyway.

A client has a dedicated modem (if this works he wants to go to ISDN) from
his BBS to our PM2E. He is trying to run some sort of funky setup to
allow his users to access the net via dialing into his BBS (they call it
'pass through SLIP'). What I need to do is give hime 8 IP addresses and
then route trafficfrom those 8 IP addressses via his modem connection.

My understanding then is that I have to subnett my Class C to be abl eto
split off these 8 IP addresses assigned to his users on his machine, then
tell the PM to route that traffic back to him.


Can I simply tell the PM to route sertain IP addresses to a particular PM


Pat McClanahan
SoDak Net
South Dakota's Largest Internet Provider