Re: Portmaster Users Digest V95 #298

Stephen Fisher (
Thu, 2 Nov 1995 12:39:52 -0700 (MST)

> >We've got a user trying to connect running Windows 95 but, he's got Netscape
> >and Trumpet installed and is trying to run them. I don't know why he
> >doesn't want to use the plus, but he's a customer so I'm not gonna ask :-)
> Trumpet simply DOESN'T work on 95. Anyway, WHY would ANYONE want to use
> Trumpet's _totally_ unreliable stack when the 95 stack is so easy to
> configure, stable, 32 bit, and free? Also, what version of Netscape is he
> using? If he is using ANY 32 bit programs, he MUST use a 32 bit WinSock.
> Good Luck.

Huh? It must have played with your winsock.dll, I've personally had
trumpet working *fine* with Win '95 for the past (what is it.. 5+
months?) with betas and the final release of windows '95. Some of my
users still use trumpet in win95.

Trumpet is unreliable? I've seen it crash maybe once in the
past 1 1/2 years (Win 3.1, Win95, etc). Also you have to buy the $80
"Plus Pack" with Win95 to even use the Internet features.

My two cents..

Stephen Fisher
Technical Engineer
Community Internet Access
Gallup/Grants, New Mexico