Re: Trouble with Radius

John Capo (
Wed, 1 Nov 1995 23:09:59 -0500 (EST)

James D. Butt writes:
> We are having some trouble with a newly installed pm2e-30 at one of our
> remote pops. For some reason it is not authenticating with radius
> proprly. It says **** Host is Currently Unavailable **** I can telnet to
> the radius server from the pm2e and I have no problems. The strange thing
> is that is happens right after the username prompt. Does not ask for the
> password. It is not sending any info to radius at all.
> What can I try?

`set all security on' maybe? A client had a similar, if not the
same, problem a few weeks back.

John Capo
IRBS Engineering High performance FreeBSD systems
(305) 792-9551 Internet Consulting - ISP Solutions