Re: Slow processor on portmasters? (fwd)

David Kovar (kovar@NDA.COM)
Wed, 1 Nov 1995 23:51:42 -0500 (EST)

> > Once upon a time Kevin M Lynn shaped the electrons to say...
> > > He told me that PM2e's have a rather slow processor in them and
> > >that when going with a fully stocked PM2e you cannot have all 30 ports
> > >set to 115200 or you'll overrun the processor and some people will start
> > >getting loss of carrier because of this..

Just to chime in with some information. We were having problems with
terminal servers from another vendor degredating under moderate to
high loads. To insure that the PM2E could handle our needs, we stocked
it with 30 ports, chained all the ports together (1 was the input to
2, 2 was connected internally to 3, which was the input to 4, etc ...)
and ran them at speeds up to 115200.

No problems.

We were impressed.

We now have five in mission critical parts of our network and several
others in labs.
