Maximum serial cable length for hardwired machine?

Brian Tao (
Fri, 27 Oct 1995 14:28:37 -0400 (EDT)

I have a customer located in the same building we are, and they
would like to set up a small network in their offices with e-mail
access. I figured the most inexpensive way would be simply to run a
hardwired PPP connection to their router via a long serial cable to
one of our PM-2e's. That way we can take advantage of our existing
accounting software to track their usage.

How far can I pull a cable like this without signal degradation?
A common figure I hear thrown around is 50 feet. Is this RS-232 or
RS-422 or what? I estimate I will need about 80 to 100 feet of cable
run to reach their router. Will installing a couple of signal
repeaters be all that is required? Does anyone have any experience
with hardwired serial connections in the 50 to 200-foot distance
range? The PM-2e and their router will be communicating at 57.6kbps.

All suggestions welcome, thanks.

Brian Tao (BT300,
Systems Administrator, Internex Online Inc.
"Though this be madness, yet there is method in't"