Re: PPP lock-ups?

David Jirku (
Wed, 25 Oct 1995 11:02:28 -0400 (EDT)

> That's _very_ interesting, because I've had that problem for over a year
> and between three different providers (one at 14.4k, one at 28.8k, and with
> ISDN to the one where I am currently). I had always blamed it on the Linux

Has any one else reported the problem; anyone else using the same PM
report the same problem?

> handle the PPP link and it _still_ seems to lock solid every couple days or
> so. The only other thing in common between those three providers is that

Currently, we've got 2 PM2e's, and it seems to happen on both of them;
but it isn't every couple of days, more like any period of time between 5
minutes and 16 hours. It is so random, it's just bizarre.

> All I can tell you is that both the MicroRouter and the Portmaster insist
> the link is up and running, and the 3Com Impact modems are still connected

The users end thinks it's up, our end thinks it's up, but nothing gets
across the connection. We suspected the modems, but they are cooled
sufficiently (I hope), so I'm not too concerned about them being the

> and to minimize the possibility of problems I added myself directly into
> the Portmaster as a netuser instead of through Radius. So it really can't
> be a radius problem.

I'll try that; adding myself as a netuser, see if that makes any
difference. I suspect it won't, but it's worth a shot.

David Jirku | | Echo Online Asst. Sys. Admin.
"Maybe God will be good, and take me..."