RE: PPP lock-ups? (fwd)

Mark Hittinger (
Wed, 25 Oct 1995 11:42:40 -0400 (EDT)

> From: David Jirku <>
> To: Bob Fitton <>
> cc:
> > >Hi. We've been having a little trouble with our PPP connections >(and
> > > SLIP for that matter). It seems that users are >experiencing frequent
> > >lock-ups. While we are not sure what is >happening, we know that it only
> > >happens on PPP/SLIP >connections; rlogin's seem to be fine for hours on
> > >end.

I have seen this in two cases:

1. Sudden modem line noise syndrome. V.FC and V.34 modems can get very
funky if their links suddenly become poor. I would try configuring
the modem to only accept 21600 or 24000 and see what happens.
(I'm assuming you might be getting 28800 or 26400 already :-) )

2. Multiple IP # allocation. There is a fencepost error in your dynamic
IP allocation across several servers. There is a condition where
two people will wind up with the same ip #.

Also check the cables on the modems on the portmaster. Make sure they carry
the required cts/rts signals!

One more thing - we have seen a lot of weirdo lan problems since we've
started putting up windows95. Do you have windows95 boxes on your lan
now? We suspect bogus packets etc.


Mark Hittinger
Internet Manager
WinNET Communications, Inc.