Re: PPP lock-ups?

Joshua M. Thompson (
Tue, 24 Oct 1995 18:24:33 -0400

>Anyhow, if the above looks alright, what could be causing frequent, yet
>unpredictable session lock-ups? When I say lock-up, the users end is
>unable to connect to *anything*, while it does send out packets (external
>modem users tell me so). I don't get a ping response from the IP the user
>is on once this happens.

That's _very_ interesting, because I've had that problem for over a year
and between three different providers (one at 14.4k, one at 28.8k, and with
ISDN to the one where I am currently). I had always blamed it on the Linux
PPP implementation I was using, but recently I put in a MicroRouter 900i to
handle the PPP link and it _still_ seems to lock solid every couple days or
so. The only other thing in common between those three providers is that
they're all running Portmaster 2Es or 2ERs.

(this is the same problem I posted last week. Note that since then i have
set the port with the ISDN modem to network dialin instead of network
hardwired, plus added a modem init string into the portmaster for the 3Com
Impact. Neither seems to help particularly).

All I can tell you is that both the MicroRouter and the Portmaster insist
the link is up and running, and the 3Com Impact modems are still connected
to each other. Howver, nethier the portmaster nor the microrouter can ping
either other even though they're directly on opposite ends of what seems
like an up and running PPP link. Both sides still have all the correct
routing information in their routing tables -- the packets simply aren't
going over the link in either direction.

One interesting thing is that the MicroRouter sends one LCP echo per second
and resets the link if 8 out of 16 echo packets are lost. Problem is, the
link can sit locked up all day and the MicroRouter never notices, which
leads me to believe that at least the LCP packets are getting through.

Since I work for the ISP I'm currently using, I set up the Portmaster
personally. I am routing an entire Class C to my home via the ISDN link,
and to minimize the possibility of problems I added myself directly into
the Portmaster as a netuser instead of through Radius. So it really can't
be a radius problem.

No, I haven't talked to Tech Support about this one yet -- I don't have a
lot to go on other than it seems to happen to me a lot. In between the
lockups the link seems to work just fine, but once it's locked, only
resetting the link can fix it. :(

email:                System Engineer/Network Administrator
 web:, Inc.  Farmington, MI
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