Livingston Tech. Support ???

Kevin M Lynn (
Tue, 24 Oct 1995 15:44:01 -0700 (PDT)

Livingstons tech support a week ago when that flame was going around.
However I've definitely changed my mind since then.

I've had this problem with the user.service and SCP patches for
radius on SunOS4.1.3_U1 for like 2 weeks now. I tried going through the
mailing list first because I thought surely someone will send me a binary
for either of them the same day.. DIDN'T HAPPEN..

So last Friday I call Livingston because I've got the two headed
beast (the two owners of this company) breathing down my neck. Oh big
surprise then.. "I'm sorry but I'll have to put you in the queue and
they'll get to you as soon as they can."

The weekend goes by with no call.. so I call on Monday and after
a whole lotta complaining finally manage to get someone on the phone that
was rather helpful.. (wish I remembered his name). In anycase.. he
tracked down a modified version of the radiusd with the SCP patch in it
for radius1.16. I was sure this was it.. I installed the radiusd.c and
recompiled and..


So I call back today and they say "We'll have to put your name
back in the queue again they'll call you as soon as they can." Look I
mean get REAL here.. I CAN'T WAIT that long.. I might as well pull up a
lawn chair and count the cars on the freeway.. maybe by the time I'm at
8,142,145,133 someone will FINALLY call me and then I can shake off the 3
inches of dust.. and see if things are even running still.

What it all seems to come down to is that livingston made a good
product but when there's NO WAY for me to get answers or help on
something that SHOULD be simple.. I may be crazy but I think if you don't
call every day their tech support will assume you don't need help anymore
and never call you.

You're probably wondering what the heck the point to this is.
Well.. here's the point.. I need someone to send me a BINARY of their
radiusd with either a user.service or a SCP patch installed in the
binary. I need this for SunOS4.1.3 and would greatly appreciate it if
someone would be kind enough to send it.

Either that.. or I need someone at Livingston to finally WAKE
UP.. take notice of me.. and call me!

One REALLY irritated SysAdmin,
Kevin Lynn