Re: ComOS dest PPP bug (fwd)

Jerry Russell (
Thu, 19 Oct 1995 19:36:24 -0400

>From Thu Oct 19 16:52:51 1995
>From: "Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz" <>
>Subject: Re: ComOS dest PPP bug (fwd)
>Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 13:48:51 -0700 (PDT)
>Cc: (Livingston Tech Support)
>Content-Length: 631
>Reply-To: "Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz" <>
>Once upon a time Jerry Russell shaped the electrons to say...
>> why does the PM reserve 32 addresses ?
>It doesn't, it only reserves the IPs needed for your ports. Part of the
>bug is that it climbs beyond it's reserved IPs. It is just that the code
>has a hard limit at 32 that even the bug can't climb past.
>> Does this mean I have to waste 2 IP's per PM ?
>It'll only happen if the bug hits you, and it does seem rare overall.

well it's been getting us and we couldn't figure out why !
We have Seven (7) PM2e/30's back to back on a 30 IP boundry !
We are crafting our DNS files as we speak to offer up a 2 IP buffer
between the units. Sure would be nice to recover those someday !

Jerry Russell
| I'm not really a Sys/Admin But I play one on the Internet ! |
| Jerry Russell, Staff at FLORIDA ONLINE. 3815 N US 1, #59, Cocoa, FL 32926 |
| 407-635-8888 voice, 1-800-676-2599 (toll free), 407-635-9050 fax |
| |
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