Re: Copying system PM to PM (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Thu, 19 Oct 1995 13:57:09 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Allen J. Newton shaped the electrons to say...
>Brian - Rick wants to read the config out of his present PM2E-10
> ^^
>and put it into his PM2ER-30
> ^^^
>...just wanted to point that out before someone goes off and hoses his
>brand new 2ER....

Thanks for the save, that's what I get for working when I'm out sick...

Don't do this, it's a bad thing. Only copy from a 2e to a 2e or a 2eR to
a 2eR, etc... The hardware is different and this will screw it up - a 2e
has a parrellel port and associated code segment, the R has a WAN port and
associated code segment. The memory layout is different.

You can't only copy from like hardware.


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