Accounting tools for radius?

jeff wheat (jeff@CetLink.Net)
Thu, 19 Oct 1995 16:57:10 -0400 (EDT)

I've posted here before requesting information regarding
accounting tools for use with radius. I am presently using radius with
the msql patches. I need to generate reports on usage. Does anyone have
anything that will give me port usage, user usages, and any other useful
statistics using the msql patches? If there are none available, is there
anything available for use with the merit 2.4.7 version of radius? I had
some perl scripts that let me do this before I switched over to the msql
version. Now I am stuck with a database that I can not easily generate
reports with. Any information is *greatly* appreciated!

BTW: Kudo's to Jennifer @ Livingston for getting our pm upgraded to 3.1.4...
Thanks for the wonderful job Livingston!


ps: Does anyone have any cgi tools which allows a user to check the
amount of time they have accumulated?

Jeff Wheat Network Systems Engineer
Computer Enhancement Technologies, Inc, South Carolina +1.803.327.2754