routing a subnet. (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Wed, 18 Oct 1995 13:29:47 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Allen V. Vartorella shaped the electrons to say...
>gist of it I guess, but now I need to do it. I want to break up a class
>c into 14 groups of 14 usable addresses. I can't get the routing issues
>down. I am using the netmask of, and not using the first
>or last group of ips. Does anyone have a quick lesson on how to handle
>the routing? Thanks for the help.

Side note: I've used the first/last segments all the time, never had a

This questions is't quite cut and dry, there are differences.

Is this a hardwired connection? If so, you make the entry on the PM itself:

add netmask x.x.x.x

Where x.x.x.x is the network low end IP of the segment.

And then:
add route x.x.x.x y.y.y.y 1

Where y.y.y.y is the IP of the far end of the SLIP/PPP connection.

The subnet x.x.x.x is then routed via y.y.y.y

If this is a dialup connection, modify the Radius entry for the user:

Framed-Address = y.y.y.y
Framed-Netmask =
Framed-Route = "x.x.x.x y.y.y.y 1"

This way the user can connect to different PMs.

Note that y.y.y.y is usually an IP out of the x.x.x.x subnet, most users
user the first host IP for this.


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