Re: ComOS dest PPP bug

Igor V. Semenyuk (
Wed, 18 Oct 1995 19:51:21 +0300 (MMT)

> > Feb 17 13:30:17 pm0 dialnet: port S1 puser1 succeeded dest ipx 3575C02
> > Feb 17 13:55:17 pm0 dialnet: port S1 puser1 succeeded dest ipx 3575C06
> > Feb 17 13:57:38 pm0 dialnet: port S1 puser1 succeeded dest ipx 3575C09
> >
> > Note!
> > -This user account is PPP. Yet, what is this ipx referrence?
> All of my Win95 users get this. I think Win95 broadcasts ipx packets
> _regardless_ of whether or not you've got ipx checked off on the protocols,
> or even "installed" (meaning all that comes with ipx...obviously
> SOMEthing's still responsible). When they send their Pusername and
> password, they get in as who they're supposed to be.
> I've asked about this, too. "Officially", Win95 isn't sending any ipx
> packets, "the PortMasters must be doing it". Yeah, but non-Win95 users
> don't cause it... ;-)

I'd reported this before... It looks like portmasters try to negotiate
IPXCP even if PPP/IPX is disable for a given user IF the user is
authenticated by PAP or CHAP (i.e. s/he starts PPP session right
at host or login prompt without going thru user name/password first).

These sometimes confuse the user's software especially if it
understands IPXCP.

The reason only Win95 users get this is probably because in the
default configuration Win95 uses PAP and not login:/Password:
scripts like Trumpet Winsock and many other software do.

[To verify this do

telnet to-your-pm
set console
set debug 0x51

Have Win95 user logged (make sure this user doesn't have PPP/IPX enabled)
See IPXCP CONFIGURE_REQUESTs being sent by the pm
If the client doesn't understand IPXCP the pm sends ConfReq 10
times and proceeds as usual. Otherwise it will negotiate IPX.

Don't forget to

set debug 0
reset console

after you finished]

Igor V. Semenyuk                    Internet:
SOVAM Teleport                      Phone:    +7 095 258 4170
Moscow, Russia                      Fax:      +7 095 258 4133