The WIN95 thing, and the fix :)

Matthew (
Wed, 18 Oct 1995 09:19:48 -0700 (PDT)

> > I don't have answers but I do have questions.
> >
> > I have seen more than one person comment that this condition occurs on the busiest Portmaster.
> >
> > 1) Are the incoming phone lines on a rotary so that load balance occurs across all the ports?
> >
> > 2) Did this problem occur in ComOS 2.x or just started in 3.x?
> >
> > Observations from my own syslog
> > -------------------------------
> > I grep'ed through my syslogs and found...
> > [snip]
> > Feb 17 13:24:31 pm0 dialnet: port S4 puser1 succeeded dest ipx 3575C04
> > Feb 17 13:26:18 pm0 dialnet: port S4 puser1 succeeded dest ipx 3575C01
> > Feb 17 13:30:17 pm0 dialnet: port S1 puser1 succeeded dest ipx 3575C02
> > Feb 17 13:55:17 pm0 dialnet: port S1 puser1 succeeded dest ipx 3575C06
> > Feb 17 13:57:38 pm0 dialnet: port S1 puser1 succeeded dest ipx 3575C09
> >
> > Note!
> > -This user account is PPP. Yet, what is this ipx referrence?
> All of my Win95 users get this. I think Win95 broadcasts ipx packets
> _regardless_ of whether or not you've got ipx checked off on the protocols,
> or even "installed" (meaning all that comes with ipx...obviously
> SOMEthing's still responsible). When they send their Pusername and
> password, they get in as who they're supposed to be.
> I've asked about this, too. "Officially", Win95 isn't sending any ipx
> packets, "the PortMasters must be doing it". Yeah, but non-Win95 users
> don't cause it... ;-)

I would imaging that those people using Win95 are using the Dialup
adapter that came with it. I am too, great piece of software :) <G>
Umm, what you need to have them do is this:

- Click on the "Dial Internet" Icon

Turn off "Netbeui" and "IPX" and leave only TCP/IP on :)

This should fix the problem.

|Matthew MacSuga |Systems Administrator |
| |Internet Expressway |
|"...Sleep, what's that?..." |(509) 891-4306 |