Re: ComOS dest PPP bug

Todd Walker (
Tue, 17 Oct 1995 12:58:23 -0400 (EDT)

I have also seen this problem recently, both on 3.1.2 and 3.1.4. It seems to
be happening about every 1-2 weeks now. It appears to be load related since
it has only occured on our busiest portmaster.

I have also seen the problem where IP's higher than those in the address pool
get assigned. (If I hadn't noticed the same IP address being given out on 2
portmaster's I probably never would have known.) I have seen where the IP address
2 higher than the last one in the pool gets assigned with 3.1.2 and 1 higher with
3.1.4. I submitted a problem report to Livingston some time ago, but still have
not heard anything back from them on it.


| Todd Walker, Sys. Admin.      | e-mail: |
| South Carolina SuperNet, Inc. |  voice: (803) 212-4400  |
| 1901 Main St.                 |    fax: (803) 212-4444  |
| Suite 1125, Comp. 400         |                         |
| Columbia, SC 29201            |                         |