DBM for AIX 3.2.5

Victor Muslin (vmuslin@wp.prodigy.com)
Tue, 17 Oct 1995 12:47:26 -0400 (EDT)

> From: esteyg@nbnet.nb.ca (Gareth Estey)
> Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 08:44:37 -0400
> Subject: DBM for AIX 3.2.5
> I appear to have hit an authentication time-out limit with over 6000
> accounts in the 'users' file. The fix is to build dbm, but the compile
> fails when it hits the dbm.c module.
> Has anyone built this under AIX 3.2.5 and can offer some clues?
> - --
> Gareth Estey
> NBNet System Administration
> 1-506-694-2925

The problem is Livingston's use of DBM symbol as in:

#ifdef DBM
... do something...
#endif /* DBM */

DBM, at least on AIX, happens to be also defined in the ndbm.h include
file as a typedef'ed data type. Simply replace all preprocessor
occurrances of DBM in Livingston's code with something else, like

I reported this bug to Carl Rigney at Livingston a few months ago.

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( @ @ )
| Victor Muslin | |
| Prodigy Services Company | Voice: (914) 448-4737 |
| 445 Hamilton Avenue, H11A | Fax: (914) 448-8133 |
| Whilte Plains, NY 10601 | Internet: vmuslin@prodigy.com |
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