Re: ComOS dest PPP bug

Kevin Sears x3-5160 (
Tue, 17 Oct 95 19:45:23 CDT

I don't have answers but I do have questions.

I have seen more than one person comment that this condition occurs on the busiest Portmaster.

1) Are the incoming phone lines on a rotary so that load balance occurs across all the ports?

2) Did this problem occur in ComOS 2.x or just started in 3.x?

Observations from my own syslog
I grep'ed through my syslogs and found...

Syslog Dates sessions dest
--------------- -------- ------------
930402 - 940812 10530 0
940812 - 950918 47891 5
950925 - 951017 1782 0

Since only 5 sessions were ever noted, take a look at them(PM name and user changed to protect the innocent).

Feb 17 13:24:31 pm0 dialnet: port S4 puser1 succeeded dest ipx 3575C04
Feb 17 13:26:18 pm0 dialnet: port S4 puser1 succeeded dest ipx 3575C01
Feb 17 13:30:17 pm0 dialnet: port S1 puser1 succeeded dest ipx 3575C02
Feb 17 13:55:17 pm0 dialnet: port S1 puser1 succeeded dest ipx 3575C06
Feb 17 13:57:38 pm0 dialnet: port S1 puser1 succeeded dest ipx 3575C09

-This user account is PPP. Yet, what is this ipx referrence?
-He hit repeatedly hit the same ports.
-He finally made it into port S1(see below).

Feb 17 14:04:08 pm0 dialnet: port S1 puser1 succeeded dest

Just a few questions and observation to throw out to see if it sparks any ideas.


Kevin Sears
Systems & Network Support Tech
GE Medical Systems