My own routing confusion

Dick St.Peters (
Mon, 16 Oct 1995 02:06:02 -0400

My two-pop SLIP/PPP network currently looks like this:

Internet<---ciscoA--------------pm2er (2)
| (1)

I'm trying to change it to a (three-->four)-pop network:

Internet<---ciscoA---------------pm2er (2)
| (1)
hub--ciscoB--------ciscoC [--------------pm2er (4)]
| | (3)
pm2e hub

When a (static-address) user connects to a pm2, its immediate RIP
gives a host route to the cisco(s) it is connected to. How can I get
the ciscos to pass these routes to each other?

I realize this is a cisco question, but I need an answer to use my
PMs. I can't rtfm since it's hidden on a CD in a format I can't read.

Dick St.Peters,         Gatekeeper, Pearly Gateway, Ballston Spa, NY  Owner/operator, NetHeaven 518-885-1295/1-800-910-6671
PPP/SLIP for Albany, Glens Falls, Lake George, Saratoga, Schenectady, and Troy
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