Re: Accounting scripts for RADIUS detail file

Gilles Boily (
Mon, 16 Oct 1995 01:27:35 -0400

And, suddenly, Jim Covington wrote:
>I am looking for a script that will give me a client-id and account time in
>seconds or hours from the detail file created by RADIUS. I want to be able
>to dump this info into some database or accounting program and bill
>customers for time as well as unlimited access.

Hi! May be your are a Unix adic but me, my philosophy is to use different
computers in there respectives forces. For my accounting, i simply dowload my
detail file on a PC, and push it in a database program like Paradox (or dBase).

>From this, i can joint the detail to my users personnals info table,
prices table, facturation history, etc..
And then make fancy report, trafic stats graphics, custom calculus
(like for free access between 0:00 and 8:00 for example),
make automatic E-Mail Facturation, print Pre-Adress letters, etc..

All you need to do is to make a tiny program that convert the detail file
in the format :

"Thu","Aug",31, 68296,"07000053","richardt",1,"Start"
"Thu","Aug",31, 68317,"07000054","louellet",4,"Start"
"Thu","Aug",31, 68354,"07000046","mbrisson",0,"Stop"
"Thu","Aug",31, 68376,"07000054","louellet",4,"Stop"

Where the 68XXX is the time in second and 1,4,0,4 the port number.
This ascii-delimited-file can be quickly import by your favorite database
program. You sort on 1>user-id and 2>time and all the start<>stop was joint.
I can send you the program for that kind of transfert
"C" or "qBasic".
Its not that SQL is not able to do it. but why take a truck to brought a sox.
| Gilles Boily sta. sys. ing. |
| Digicom Technologies. CP 220 G0W
2L0 |
| (418) 343-2577 Quebec,
Canada |
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