Re: anti-multiple-login patches for radiusd

Chris B. Wilson, VectorNet (
Sun, 15 Oct 1995 16:33:22 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 15 Oct 1995, William Bulley wrote:

> > Well, only problem is we're currently using the SCP (or whatever its
> > called) patch (user.ppp, user.slip, etc), and would we be able to run
> > that under the Merit version?
> Well, you know my position on that one. I have long held that the Merit
> solution (pppuser, slipuser, dumbuser) is sufficient and predates all
> those SCP thingys out there (sorry guys, but that's just me :-) a Merit
> person talking). But that said, I do have the diffs for the SCP stuff
> (thanks to someone whose name escapes me) and I am thinking about putting
> them in a future release (they're not there now). If these are truly two
> solutions to two _different_ problems, then I will stand corrected...
> So, to answer your question, today you can't do the SCP thing with Merit
> RADIUS and therefore you can't take advantage of the LAS stuff. I am not
> going to force you to change your configurations (that's why I have given
> serious consideration to the SCP patches for a future release of Merit
> RADIUS). I just haven't had time to do all this _and_ still fight all
> the local Merit fires...
> What is the real shame here, is that there are now two "standard" ways
> to do the SCP thing. Having to have both is both confusing and wasteful
> of people's time, etc. But then I have the same complaints about those
> little endian and big endian wars, too! Sigh... :-)

Well, how does the Merit version handle it then? Unfortunatly updating
the way that our whole customer base logs in would be, well, pretty well
near impossible. Could you give out the patches for SCP under Merit now
rather than waiting until a release (under the understanding you wouldn't
support them etc etc etc).. I just need a way to make this work :)


[ Chris B. Wilson ]
[ Gateway Telecommunications, Inc./VectorNet ]
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