Re: your mail

Chris Woods (
Sun, 15 Oct 1995 09:27:51 -0400 (EDT)

On Sat, 14 Oct 1995, Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz wrote:

> Remote PM2ER, ComOS 3.1.4, at the end of a 56k line. I just moved
> this end of the line from an old cicso 2501 to a brand new 2514, and
> the two systems are beating the line to death to death. from the
> complaints (see below) by the cisco aout all sorts of thing not being
> negotiated, it looks like this ferocious exchange of packets is an

Looks to me like a healthy sync PPP connection. All the things *not* being
negotiated are things like appletalk, banyan, IPX, OSI, XNS, DECnet, and
the router is not a bridge (which is, I assume, what you want). IPCP and
LCP are negotiated, and that is all that is needed. Although, that 56k
looks pretty well saturated: load 236/255

Is the link dead, are you not able to see one end from the other? Looks
like the cisco says it's up, and by your message the PM think's
everything's OK... I would say that if you have line protocol and carrier,
and both ends show established, and you are still having reachability
problems, I would look at the routing tables on either end, particularly
in the Cisco.

Chris Woods Systems Administrator USAinternet, Inc.
Version: 2.6.2
