RADIUS Account-type question...

Jamie Thingelstad (jjt@webspan.com)
Fri, 13 Oct 1995 15:49:09 -0500 (CDT)

This seems so painfully easy, but I can't find documentation on how to
do it.

I'd like to set up some user accounts that are allowed to specify PPP,
SLIP or just telnet right off the prompt after they authenticate
through the Livingston and radiusd.

What kind of radius configuration would this user account have?

= <URL: http://webspan.com/~jjt/index.cgi"> ======= Jamie Thingelstad </A>
 612.333.LINK                                               Vice President
 247 3rd Ave S, Mpls, MN  55415                     Director of Technology
= jjt@webspan.com  ============== WebSPAN, Internet Solutions for Business