Re: ANNOUNCE: PMconsole for Windows released

Michael Nelson (
Fri, 13 Oct 1995 15:24:09 -0700 (PDT)

On Fri, 13 Oct 1995, Gil Romano wrote:

> I can't even log into the portmaster with it (regular telnet works fine, so
> the portmaster is ok)...I put in the address (name or IP) and password, hit
> OK, and get Runtime Error 202.
> I'm using Trumpet Winsock 2.1f, which, I know, is not specifically
> supported. The weird thing is that the login portion of it worked with the
> beta 7 version of this pmconsole for windows using trumpet. Unfortunately I
> overwrote it with this final version. Did we go backwards here, or am I
> doing something wrong? I checked the realease notes and the administrator's
> guide, but can't find anything.

Runtime Error 202 is the Turbo Pascal way of saying "Stack Overflow", which
is what Trumpet Winsock is written in. This is could be caused by:

a) PMWCONS being compiled with too small a stack
b) Some sort of a recursive loop between functions
c) A bad parameter passed to a Trumpet Winsock function

-- Mike

Michael Nelson ( | Through the firewall, off the router,
Rockville, Maryland                 | over the ATM backbone, nothing but 
BSD/OS, WinNT, OLE2 Development     | 'net.