Re: How Many frame connections can a 2eR take?

Patrick Greenwell (
Fri, 13 Oct 1995 08:44:43 -0700 (PDT)

On Fri, 13 Oct 1995, Greg Merrell wrote:

> (Baha Baydar) wrote:
> >I seem to recall seeing that the W1 port on the 2eR can take 2 incoming
> >PVC's. Is this correct? Or can more than that b routed through?
> >
> >The reason I ask is that we would like to bring 3 Frame Relay connections
> >from remote POP's into one W1 port.
> The Portmaster/IRX Frame Relay support permits multiple PVCs into the Sync port.
> But it doesn't yet support subinterfaces. What this means is that you can have
> multiple links simultaneously as long as they are all on the same subnet. If you
> want them on different subnets, then you'll need subinterfaces. And that means
> either a wait or the use of a different brand of router software (and hardware).
> Greg
> =========================My return addresses are==============================
> Greg Merrell Internet:
> MSM Company Internet Services Voice: +1-408-253-0970
> Cupertino, CA Fax: +1-408-253-0590
> ==============================================================================
EHHHHHNT! Wrong answer. We are currently running three PVC's off of our
W1. Works great.
