Re: How Many frame connections can a 2eR take?

Greg Merrell (
Fri, 13 Oct 1995 07:18:04 -0700 (PDT) (Baha Baydar) wrote:
>I seem to recall seeing that the W1 port on the 2eR can take 2 incoming
>PVC's. Is this correct? Or can more than that b routed through?
>The reason I ask is that we would like to bring 3 Frame Relay connections
>from remote POP's into one W1 port.

The Portmaster/IRX Frame Relay support permits multiple PVCs into the Sync port.
But it doesn't yet support subinterfaces. What this means is that you can have
multiple links simultaneously as long as they are all on the same subnet. If you
want them on different subnets, then you'll need subinterfaces. And that means
either a wait or the use of a different brand of router software (and hardware).


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