Re: Initialising modems (fwd)

Chris Woods (
Fri, 13 Oct 1995 10:00:52 -0400 (EDT)

On Fri, 13 Oct 1995, Somebody wrote:

> Command> add modem usr-v34 "USRobotics V.34" 115200 "AT&f1S0=1&W^OK"
I definitely do not recommend that you put the &W in there. This string is
going to be sent to the modem every time someone disconnects. Too many
writes to the flash in any piece of equipment can fark it up. I have 3
entries in my modem table: "setup" (has the &w0&w1 in the string),
"normal" (same, without the &w0&w1) and "busied" (a simple at&d0h1).

Chris Woods Senior System Administrator USAinternet, Inc.
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