USR Sportster talking to Heyse Century 16 Optima 28.8

Phillip Moore (
Thu, 12 Oct 1995 10:41:29 -0500 (CDT)

This doesn't exactly have anything to do with the Portmaster but I figure
people on this list use modems more than anyone else.

I have Heyse Century 16 with Optima 28.8 modems. Our users who own US
Robitics Sportster Modems (even with the new ROMs) are unable to connect
but no other type's modems are having trouble. Anyone have experience
with this sort of problem? We have contacted USR and Hayse multiple times
about this and nobody seems to be able to help.

Anyone know of any other rackmount modems that work fine? We have been
through several sets of modems. We have had 6 MP16 racks in our office,
all of which exhibited the top back failure that USR can't seem to fix.
4 of these units where shipped on 4 occasions to use'next day deliver'
because they were supposedly fixed. We are at our wits end at what
affoardable rackmount modems to purchase. No company thus far (Hayse
and USR) has shows us that they care if their modems work or not.

Thank you for any help or info,

Phillip Moore office: 601.952.1570
Internet Doorway, Inc. fax : 601.952.1573
Systems Administrator www :