Re: Dial Back & Portmasters

Thomas Tornblom (Thomas.Tornblom@Nexus.SE)
Thu, 12 Oct 1995 16:47:33 +0100

> X-Sender:
> Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 09:47:41 -0600
> From: (Mark Damrose)
> Precedence: bulk
> Reply-To: (Mark Damrose)
> Does anyone have experience setting up dial back to Dial-in users?
> I need to set this up. I am fairly confident that I can set up the
> portmaster to do it, but I am wondering what software to use on the
> other end. I need this capability both for Windows & Macintosh.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> P.S. I get the digest, so please respond directly.
> Mark Damrose (312)244-5541
> Telecommunications Technician
> North Park College & Theological Seminary
> 3225 West Foster Ave
> Chicago, IL 60625

If you mean network users, then that's what we use.

We have Mac, Win and Unix users that run ppp. Due to security and
billing we use dialback.

For the Mac users we are using MacTCP/MacPPP and some relatively
simple dial scripts.

We have a guy that has just yesterday set up a win pc with FTP
softwares ONet to do the same. I believe there s a free package for
windows called trumpet that should do what you want.

The unix users (all two of us ;-) use dp-4.0, with both dialback and
dial on demand + routed networks.