Re: *new* reply info: ===>> FREE 1 yr. Magazine Sub sent worldwide- 300+ Popular USA

Jon Lusky (
Wed, 11 Oct 1995 09:19:21 -0500 (CDT) writes:
> ----> NOTE: if you previously replied via email to this message, filling
> in the form completely, and it has been more than 48 hrs. since you sent it
> in and still have not received a reply, please reply again, to the FAX OR
> SMAIL ADDRESS shown below. They will then send you their FREE catalogue by
> email, along with complete info on how their club works. They are very
> sorry if you have not yet received a reply and would appreciate your
> sending it again to their fax or smail address. Thank you. <-----

Brian... any chance of finding out who sent this so we can express how
much we disliked receiveing it?

Jonathan R. Lusky       |   |
Wonder how long it'd take to uuencode this 950M core file?