Re: strange problems with PAP authentication (fwd)

sameer (
Tue, 10 Oct 1995 17:42:14 -0700 (PDT)

> The problem is the PAP request is being NAK'd, *that* is naturually causing
> the package to stop the negotiation.
> Something is wrong with the authentification, the PM/Radius is failing the
> authentification check. Double check her username and password on her end,
> and the users file, etc on this end.

Looks as though the wrong username was being used for the
authentication, I learned after someone parsed those bytes in the
debugging output for me.

Question: Is the portmaster authenticatiing the user *twice*
in this situation? From her side she said she saw the login:/Password:
prompt, so it seems that her PPP software was waiting until it got
past the Password: prompt until it started up PPP-- apparently *that*
part authenticated through radius fine, or otherwise it would have
said "Invalid login" rather than going to PPP and have the
authentication fail in the PPP stage.. so the login/password part
worked but the PPP-level autnentication failed. My current theory is
that her software has two places where you have to enter the
login/password. (One in PPP setup perhaps and another in the "dialup

> > I tried doing radiusd -x but that didn't give me anything.
> >Specifically:
> >
> ># su radius -c /etc/radiusd -d /etc/raddb -a /var/adm/radacct -x
> You should see her auth request coming in and a reject going out, do you?

Haven't seen a thing, for her login attempt nor other people's
[successful] login attempts. Where should the output go? logfile or

sameer						Voice:   510-601-9777
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