Re: Need Mac Portmaster Software

Jason K. Eisele (
Fri, 6 Oct 1995 21:21:26 -0400

>> Setup Factory: 1-800-665-9668 (it lists for $249.95)
>Wow $250? Don't mean to sound cheap.. but is there anything that would
>make a batch file for windows, because that what it really is for free?
If anyone you know has Visual Basic, you can use the setup wizard with a
dinky program that displays your logo or something, and add your programs
like trumpet into the bundle. Mostly you have to know a little basic and
have VB (The standard edition is about $99.00).
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Jason K. Eisele Tel: (717) 698-7250
Systems Engineer Fax: (717) 698-9780
Internet Broadcasting Co.
PO BOX 463
Hamlin, PA 18427