Need Mac Portmaster Software
Thu, 5 Oct 1995 20:48:35 -0400 (EDT)

We use a Portmaster 2e and we need someone to customize a set of Macintosh
shareware programs to be used for our dial up IP users. Ideally this should
be a 2-3 disk set of disks that installs and configures a dialer, browser,
FTP, telnet, and e-mail package. It should also display our company logo
while it loads, followed by a README file at the end of the installation
that walks the user through final configuration steps. We have something
like this for our Windows users already that was built using Setup Factory,
but we have no Macintosh computers and no Macintosh expertise, but lots
of Macintosh users who want to access the Internet through us. If you
or your organization can provide this much needed service, please
respond with a proposal and pricing.

Rich Bauer			
Critical Path Project
